Market Garden

2015-01-22 15.10.10    Our Market Garden is underway for the spring season. This year we are growing the “salad bowl”.  We will be growing all of the ingredients you want in a salad with special emphasis on heritage plants, to include heritage tomatoes.   We carefully produce our garden using natural fertilizer and compost produce here on the farm. While we are not officially certified as organic , we use all of the protocols employed by organic growers. No pesticides,  and No Herbicides. We have a propagation greenhouse and two full size greenhouses plus individual raised beds. And its time to invite you to the farm to enjoy, educate, and acquire your plants and veggies. Stay tuned for our sale dates.   And as always,  if you have a special preference for a specific vegetable or plant just let us know and we will grow it for you.

Spring Plant Sale Dates

April 11, 2015 9am-4pm

April 18, 2015 9am-4pm

April 25, 2015 9am-4pm

We invite you to come to the farm and get your heirloom varieties tomatoes.  This sale will feature the 36 varieties below.

Plants are $3.75 each.



ABE LINCOLN-    A poplar heirloom tomato introduced in Illinois in 1923 by the Buckabee Seed Company.  These tomatoes produce brilliant red, round, medium sized 12 ounce tomatoes in clusters up to 9.   Good disease resistance.  Delicious, rich slightly acidic tomato.

AUNT ANNA-  An heirloom collected from an elderly Amish gardener from Holmes County, Ohio.  It is known to produce huge red fruit that can attain a massive size!  Fair yielding vines produce these very flavorful beauties that are perfect slicers or for cooking.

ATKINSON-  Bred  for southern conditions, this medium height variety produces 8-oz globes even through hot, dry summers.  Tomato with considerable merit.   Delicious tomato flavor with just enough acid.  Great for sandwiches.

AUSTRALIAN  HEART-    Large heart shaped tomatoes with few seeds and great tomato taste.  Perfect for salsa’s and canning.  Great producer.    Considered a local favorite.  Seed was acquired from a service man who spent time in Australia before coming home to Kentucky after serving in WWII.

VIVA ITALIA-   Abundantly   producing paste tomato with great flavor .  Rich and meaty with few seeds.

A great Italian style tomato.

DELICIOUS-  This really big tomato produces huge 1-3lb fruit that are fairly smooth for a giant tomato, as the name implies these are delicious!  In 1986 it set the world record for weight, with a giant 7lb.12oz fruit.

JERSEY GIANT-  This  great  canning variety is on the verge of extinction!  Large 6” long pepper shaped fruit is packed with great tomato flavor.  Delicious fresh from the garden.  Their thick, rich flesh is much tastier than modern paste types, and the fruit have few seeds.  One of my personal favorites. 

LARGE RED CHERRY-  This cherry tomato produces numerous thumb sized cherry tomatoes.  Sweet with just a bite of acid, great in salads or snacking.  Great producer, disease resistant.

MAMA LEONE-  A real old-time Italian paste tomato, this variety produces 5-6 oz full favored red fruit that are supreme in sauces and paste.  The vines set very high yields.  This heirloom was brought from Italy many years ago to New York State.

MULE TEAM-   Medium  sized plants produce perfect 8-oz globes that have very little cracking.  The fruit have a sweet but acid flavor, a good all around standard red variety.  Good resistance to heat and disease and the vines bear heavily over a long season.  A popular heirloom variety.

RED CURRANT-   A great salad tomato.  Produces numerous small red cherry type tomatoes.  Great flavor right off the vine.  Sweet and tasty. 

ROYAL CHICO-  Very  productive Roma-type tomato.  Vigorous plant yields bright red pear shaped fruit that are uniform and perfect for paste and canning.  Very resistant to disease, perfect taste.  This taste is becoming rare.  Enjoy the perfect taste.

SAN MARZANO-  Considered  by many chefs to be the best sauce tomatoes in the world with Royal Chico fast on its heels.  Thick flesh and few seeds with less sweet and less acid.  A great heirloom with heavy yields. 


BLOSSER PINK-  This  Virginia Mennonite heirloom produces big beefsteak type fruit that are beautiful pink color.  They have a sweet delicious tomato taste.  The plants are hardy and vigorous producing many big fruit.  A fine old heirloom that brings back memories of tomatoes long ago. 

DUTCHMAN-   A very old variety that dates back to 1920.  The dark pink fruit can grow up to 3 lbs., and have a nice mild flavor, meaty flesh, and few seeds.  So nice for a mellow tomato sandwich. 

JERRY’S GERMAN GIANT-    Mammoth fruit can grow up to 3 lbs.  This variety comes in two color forms:  one is deep pink, the other is yellow with red streaks.  Both are very sweet, flavorful.  An excellent German tomato popular in the Ozark Mountains where many German varieties are being preserved by the local people.

LADY LUCY-   From the Nantahala Forest area of North Georgia.  This potato leaf variety produces lots of pink/red 12 oz. fruit.  Sweet, complex flavor with an acid zing.  Good for slicing and canning.

PINK BRANDYWINE-  A very popular heirloom tomato variety.  A favorite of many gardeners, large fruit with superb flavor.  A great potato leaf variety from 1885.  Beautiful pink fruit up to 1-1/2 lb.  Not as heavy a producer as other varieties but excellent flavor. 

THAI PINK EGG-   Brilliant pink, grape-shaped 1 oz. fruit with sweet, firm flesh.  This variety is incredibly prolific, resists cracking, and is great in salads.


BLACK CHERRY-    Beautiful black cherry tomatoes that look like large,dusky purple brown grapes.  Rich flavor!   Large vines yield very well, very unique and delicious.

BLACK KRIM-    Dark purple/red fruit, rich sweet flavor.  One of the best, always placing high in tomato taste trials.  Very juicy with wonderful flavor.  An heirloom from Russia and a favorite of many chefs.

BLACK TRIFFLE-    Attractive tomatoes that are the shape and size of a Bartlett pear, with a beautiful purplish brick color.  The fruit are perfect and smooth with no cracks.  The flavor is absolutely sublime, having the richness of fine chocolate.  This was our heaviest producer last year.  The plants produce loads of fruit all summer long.

CARBON-  Winner of the 2005  Heirloom Garden Shows best tasting award.  The fruit are large and beautiful  with spectacular  smooth flavor.  One of the best fresh eating black tomatoes.

CHEROKEE CHOCOLATE-   Dark rich flavor, with just a hint of acid.  Nice slicing tomato  with a unique tomato taste.  Best dark for mildness and sweet flavor.

CHEROKEE PURPLE-  An old Cherokee Indian heirloom pre 1890 variety.  Beautiful  deep dusky purple pink color.  Superb sweet flavor and very large sized fruit.  Slight hint of a smoky flavor, one of my favorite dark tomatoes.

CHOCOLATE STRIPES-  This year we have a small supply of the truly unique and fantastic tomato.  The dark chocolate maroon fruit have deep green stripes.  They are large and really big on flavor, being very earthy with lots of sweetness.  A big, beautiful tomato that will amaze your friends.

PURPLE CALABASH-  One of the most interesting looking and complex tomatoes you can grow.  The Cinderella pumpkin shaped tomatoes are 3” wide  by 1-1/2” tall and very deeply ribbed.  Very complex deep swirling tomato flavors reminding the taster of a fruity Cabernet wine.


BIG RAINBOW-  Huge fruit up to 2lbs each; delicious and sweet tasting.  These tomatoes are very striking sliced, as the yellow fruit have neon red streaking through the flesh.  An heirloom that was preserved by members of the Seed Savers Exchange.


MORNING SUN-  Fairly compact regular-leafed plants yield impressive amounts of 1 1/2-2” perfect little grape type fruits in clusters of up to eight fruits per bunch.  Wonderful sweet flavor. 

PLUM LEMON-  Bright canary yellow 3” fruit look just like a fresh lemon. The perfect tomato with a perfect sweet taste. 

WAPSIPINICON PEACH-  Light, creamy-yellow, almost white fruit have superb taste and texture!  One of  the best tomatoes I have ever tried.  The taste is complex, with its spicy, sweet, and very fruity flavor.  The fruit are small, around 2”, and the skin is slightly fuzzy like a peach!  This Iowa heirlooms named after the Wapsipinicon River. 

YELLOW BRANDYWINE-  Large yellow Brandywine tomato with true old time tomato taste.  Great sandwich tomato with less acid and a mild sweetness.  High yields. 


GREEN SAUSAGE-  The latest “Must Have”.  It is simply outstanding!  At last a banana-shaped paste tomato that is lime green and yellow striped when ripe!  The flavor is rich and tangy.  This will be one of your favorites.  Short, bushy plants produce 4 inch long fruit in abundance.

SPEARS’ TENNESSEE GREEN-  A wonderful heirloom that was grown by the Spear family of Tennessee since the 1950’s.  The round fruit weighs  8-10 ounces and has the taste of tomatoes from Grandma’s garden.  A house favorite.


GREAT WHITE-  The favorite white variety of many tomato collectors, this heirloom is said to have been introduced in 1882 by A.W. Livingston, though many people question to the exact date of introduction.  4-8 ounce fruit have one of the best flavors of all tomatoes, being fragrant, fruity and intensely sweet.  It’s creamy white in color and very attractive.  A productive variety that has become very rare.

SNOWBERRY-  This very sweet, little cherry is popular in Europe, but hard to find in the USA.  Light, creamy yellow 1 inch “berries” have a nice mellow, fruity taste that makes them perfect to eat in fruit salads or right out of the hand.  Productive plants set large trusses of fruit.

WHITE ZEBRA-   A tomato curiosity that produces 2-3 inch cream colored fruit that have light, yellowish-green stripes!  Pretty and very unique, plus these have a nice sweet tomato flavor and yields are high. 



You’ll appreciate some of the other spoils from our market!

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